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Preventive Dentistry

Preventive Dentistry Blackburn

Everyone knows the old saying “prevention is better than cure”. Many dental problems such as loose teeth and painful toothaches that require complex and costly treatments are preventable if caught soon enough.

At Hearts Dental, our dentist in Blackburn takes preventative dentistry seriously. Our experienced dentists assess your oral and dental conditions, identify your risks in developing unfavourable dental diseases such as gum disease (periodontitis), dental decay (caries), grinding (bruxism), obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), and customise your preventive care regime to keep dental problems at bay.

Our Hearts Dental preventive care regime has been developed over the years through our experience and knowledge of working in the dental industry. This includes:

A comprehensive exam of the oral cavity, including muscles and joints related to chewing and swallowing.

Oral hygiene assessment to help you look after your teeth more effectively

Hygiene treatment (scale and clean) are performed to the highest standard whilst minimising discomfort

– Personalised dental recommendations incorporating the right products and tools to help improve your dental health – without judgement or lecturing.

At Hearts Dental, we believe you are in charge of your own dental health. Call us for your check-up and receive an oral hygiene gift pack! We offer high-quality preventative dentistry in Blackburn.

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Comprehensive Exam

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Oral Hygiene Assessment

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